Image by TEENA COBB from Pixabay
Hello Friends,
If you have read the other two posts and have implemented the strategies, Bravo! You certainly are on the road to actually enjoying, rather than tolerating, the holiday season. If you need to catch up, here are the links: Season’s Beatings #1 and Season’s Beatings #2.
This tip hits a little closer to home. Actually, so close that you need to look no further than your closet.
Why would this be a great time to clean out your stuff? Because more is likely coming… and soon. Have you noticed that integrating more clothing into your existing closet can be stress producing? So, GET RID OF AS MUCH STUFF AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN! (If these sentences in all caps make you feel like I am shouting, I am!) If you tend toward hoarding, stop it, and enjoy the liberation of less stuff.
Even though it may be out of sight, it is not out of mind. Really. Your subconscious mind knows what is lurking there, in the crevices of your closet, garage, and refrigerator, even if your conscious mind does not. Your brain is keenly aware that you and your closet are overloaded. Your brain has enough to keep up with and doesn’t need the distraction of junk in every corner of your mind and therefore, life. And if you are like me, not just your closet, but your garage, your cupboards, your drawers, your fridge, your tackle box, the trunk of your car… you get it. Everywhere. If you do this, your brain will thank you.
Maybe your neighbors will too.
Every spare minute, throw something out, give it away, burn it, re-gift it; keep moving and don’t look back.
Season’s Beatings,
PS- Special thanks to Chris McNaught. It’s a great time of year to read Chris’s book, Less Is More Than Enough. You can purchase here: Less is More Than Enough – Amazon. It makes a great gift and it won’t overload your closet.
Nov 29, 2017 at 4:37 PM
Thank you for the kind words Ken. There's one other thing I've incorporated into my simplification: for every gift I receive (things, not consumables like cookies) I get rid of two things. I've educated my family to please not give me things. I would rather have a nice note, or story, a poem maybe. Or just be able to spend some time together talking. Fifteen minutes in real conversation with someone is worth more than any thing they could give me.
Nov 30, 2017 at 8:26 AM
Or how about a Limerick A man named Chris McNaught More loved what could not be bought His book is a gem Thank you to him And simplicity is his lot! Cheers ks
Nov 29, 2017 at 7:12 PM
I consider myself the opposite of a hoarder...I'm a little addicted to giving things away. I drop off probably 1-2 bags of stuff per month at the Idaho Youth Ranch. I hate the idea of even selling my stuff because then I have to hang on to it long enough for someone to buy it. Just give it away!! And I've also adopted the principle of when I get something new, I give something away. New shirt = one that goes in the Youth Ranch bag.
Nov 29, 2017 at 12:32 PM
This is great MaryKate! We could all learn from you. I hate waiting to sell something too. Getting rid of it fast gives me more freedom than the cash. Keep up the scaling back. And thanks for participating in our online community. Truly.