Hello Friends and Happy New Year,
I have not been a fan of New Year’s resolutions for a number of years because they usually end in failure.
But I am a big fan of changing habits. And one habit I have been harping on for years is strength training. Yes, that is correct. Joining a gym and learning how to be as strong as you can be.

Why? Because as you age, muscle mass is the key to longevity. People who are too skinny and frail, and people who are too heavy and frail, get sick and injured way too often and simply cannot enter into life fully. And they get sick and injured. Did I mention…sick and injured?
For this month at Swaim Chiropractic, we will be focusing on strength training, and for those of you in Owyhee County, that means getting stronger. We will be sending out articles and blogs on this subject, and nutritional advice as well.
For those of you who kept reading past “join a gym”, we can give you a plan that will only require one day a week in gym, it the one time is not long at all. We want to give you the best possible experience in the gym. Particularly if you are unsure of how to start or what to do.
Folks, this is a great offer, and one I cannot recommend highly enough. So many of you need this! Stop being intimidated by the gym and ask us right away!
Included here are a list of gyms, affordable ones and you don’t have to maintain equipment! You only need to show up!!
Idaho Fitness Factory (our gym): IFF Link
Crunch: Crunch Link
Planet Fitness: Planet Fitness Link
Anytime Fitness: Anytime Fitness Link
Harwood Rec Center: Harwood Rec Link (This one is our lowest recommendation, due to our experiences with the poor attitudes of the trainers and the over-extending rules of the weight room – not user friendly or helpful for what we are recommending for you. Also, they will not allow Kahla to train you there)
Many of these gyms have locations in other parts of the Treasure Valley, making it easy for wherever you live or work to find something convenient for you!